GSoC '21 with Pidgin: Project Report

GSoC '21 with Pidgin: Project Report

Journey as Google Summer of Code 2021 Student with Pidgin: Project Report

Project Overview: Pidgin's primary use case is that it acts as a messaging client for multiple chat networks. This project proposal aims to ease the account creation/edit process through an assistant that uses a GtkAssistant based flow and creating gtk widgets for each page.

GSoC Dashboard.jpg

Project Goals: The present account creation process seems a bit intimidating to the non-technical users, so this project idea would focus on making the account adding process easier for everyone. This assistant would help users to add their accounts into pidgin with the protocol of their choice. This assistant would have multiple pages made up of gtk widgets which would guide a user in adding their account. Introducing this feature would attract more users to add their accounts in Pidgin with ease.

Screenshot from 2021-07-16 11-12-04.png

Page 1 of the Account Assistant (Protocol Page):

Screenshot from 2021-07-15 02-06-57.png

File Structure:

Screenshot from 2021-07-16 17-57-04.png

Page 2 & Page 3 Wireframes: (Shown to Mentor in the last Google meet)

Untitled Diagram.png

Page 2 of Account Assistant (Account adding page):

XML file UI of the second page of assistant made using Glade

Screenshot from 2021-07-16 17-41-16.png